St Paul's Steiner


Dear School Community,

We are pleased to have been able to be together and fully open this first half term. You will be aware that London, including Islington, has moved into Covid-19 Alert Level High, due to increased infection levels.

We will continue to take this in our stride and with calmness do what we can to keep ourselves and others as healthy and safe as possible. We need to do what we can to keep the school open.

We are in a good position as we are a small school where it is natural to stay in bubbles during the school and Kindergarten day. The outside space is zoned to keep to the ‘double bubbles’. The outdoor hand washing facilities are used by the children at least 3 times a day.

We are grateful that you are coming on time, leaving on time and keeping space from each other whilst on the grounds. Even though we are missing seeing you all inside the school, I am sure we all agree to prioritise the children’s education. If you need to come in for essential meetings you will now either stay 2 meters apart or we are wearing face masks.

As a school we have access to advice from the local public health team (through a DfE helpline) and we are also receiving guidance to share with you.

This is a reminder of the symptoms:

  • a new continuous cough
  • a high temperature
  • a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

If you, or anyone in your household, have any of the symptoms above, stay at home and arrange to have a test. Please inform the school as soon as possible.

Just to ensure you have access to the guidance, should you or anyone in your household have these symptoms and you are awaiting results, please see the link below:

The new measures mean:

  • We must not socialise with anybody outside of our household or support bubble in any indoor setting, at home or in a public place, including pubs and restaurants. The reality is that this means no more indoor play dates. It is difficult to understand, as they are in bubbles in school, but it is another way of minimising the risk of infection so that schools can stay open. It is worth knowing that you can have a child care bubble, but that arrangement needs to stay constant.
  • We cannot gather in a group larger than six in any outdoor setting outside of school.

I wish you a restful half term break.


Warm wishes,

Anna Retsler