Fees per annum For 2024/2025*
(including 20% VAT from January 2025)
* All fees are subject to revision each year
Kindergarten: £9,660*
Kindergarten (compulsory school-age children): £9,660 + 20% VAT (£11,592)
Class I: £10,500 + 20% VAT (£12,600)
Class II: £10,710 + 20% VAT (£12,852)
Class III: £10,920 + 20% VAT (£13,104)
Class IV: £11,130 + 20% VAT (£13,356)
Class V: £11,130 + 20% VAT(£13,356)
Class VI: £11,235 + 20% VAT (£13,482)
Class VII : £11,340 + 20% VAT (£13,608)
Class VIII: £11,340 + 20% VAT (£13,608)
You can find more information on the Fees breakdown and other charges here.
Fees per annum For 2025/2026*
* All fees are subject to revision each year
Kindergarten: £11,592
Class I: £12,600
Class II: £12,852
Class III: £13,104
Class IV: £13,356
Class V: £13,356
Class VI: £13,482
Class VII : £13,608
Class VIII: £13,608
You can find more information on the Fees breakdown and other charges here.
Sibling Discounts & EYFS
We offer sibling discounts as such: a second child receives a 10% discount, a third child a 30% discount, and fourth and subsequent children receive a 40% discount.
* We are an approved childcare provider, and all three and four year olds are eligible for 15 hours free childcare, which this year will amount to £1,116.00 per term. Your invoice will automatically reflect this. This discount ends in the term following the child's fifth birthday. More details can be found here.
We are committed to providing a Steiner education to children from a broad social and financial background by offering eligible parents/legal guardians means-tested financial support with the payment of school fees. Such support is known as Community Supported Fee Assistance. (CSFA). Every year the school sets aside 10% of its gross income for this fund. However, it is important to note that the school's only significant income comes from the fees, and thus we ask that financial aid be the last resort in order to benefit those in true need.
Additional Services 2024/2025
orchard group and lunch club
£20/session Payable termly in advance
after school club
£16/session Payable termly in advance
beehive group
£16.25/session Payable termly in advance
£9.00/session for siblings over 7 months of age
Additional Services 2025/2026
orchard group and lunch club
£20/session Payable termly in advance
after school club
£16/session Payable termly in advance
beehive group
£16.50/session Payable termly in advance
£9.00/session for siblings over 7 months of age
School bank accounts
Payment of fees (including Registration and Deposits)
Account name: St Paul’s Steiner Project 2
Bank: HSBC
Sort code: 40-03-33
Account number: 41218603
For international payments of deposits from abroad:
IBAN: GB41HBUK40033341218603
NB. Please ensure that all payments carry the child’s name as reference, in order that they can be allocated correctly. Please also confirm by e-mail to finance@stpaulssteinerschool.org, whenever a payment has been sent in respect of deposits, or when a standing order has been set up.
Notice of withdrawal
Notice of withdrawal has to be given to the school office in writing, dated and signed by the parent/s or guardian/s. We do not accept verbal notification of notice neither can a notice be backdated. A term’s notice, or payment of a term’s fees in lieu of notice, is required when a child leaves the school. Notice must be given by the last day in the penultimate term before leaving. For example, if your child plans to leave the school at the end of the summer term, you must give notice on the last day of the spring term.
Where notice is not given, fees due in lieu of notice are calculated as follows: one third of the annual fees are due from the 1st day of the month after the school is made aware in writing that the child is leaving the school.