St Paul's Steiner

latest news

We currently have Vacancies for a range of positions in School.  Please see the list on our Vacancies page here if you are interested.

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  • 26/10/20

    Black history month- class VIII

    An update from Ms Achala Wickramaratne
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  • 23/10/20


    Dear School Community, We are pleased to have been able to be together and fully open this first half term. You will be aware that London, including Islington, has moved into Covid-19 Alert Level High, due to increased infection levels. We will continue to take this in our stride and with calm...
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  • 02/10/20


    What a start back we've had here, with an Indian summer giving so much joy and warmth and the students arriving with their own vibrant willingness and sunshine. 
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  • 29/08/20

    We have a few Places remaining for this academic yEar

    We look forward to meeting you, and telling you about our wonderful school. Please see our Admissions page for more information
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  • 29/08/20

    Welcome back!

    While this autumn may feel different than those in the past, we look forward to seeing all the children in our COVID-free school . While we must adhere to the new guidelines, to ensure everyone’s safety,  we are committed to ensuring all the children receive as rich and broad an education...
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