St paul's community group

The aim of the SPCG is to support the community at St Paul’s by joining staff, families, and the wider community to help enhance the education and well-being of the children in a healthy learning environment.  The group strives to facilitate a healthy communication between the stake holders through coffee mornings, social events and fundraisers.  At the heart of the SPCG are the class reps: one or two members of each class who come together to ensure that the lines of communication between teachers and families are open, that advent fair, pea fair, jumble sales, and work days run smoothly and any volunteers or help required can be provided easily.


  • To raise funds and promote social activities through the organisation of events for the school and wider community that encourages family participation and supports the educational and pastoral goals of the school.
  •  To encourage and organise volunteer support for school and SPCG-led events.
  •  To increase interest, involvement, and understanding of the SPCG and our goals, as well as our school ethos and development aims.

If you would like to get involved, or have any questions please get in touch via

There are class reps meetings every half term and full SPCG meetings once a term.

Chair of the SPCG- Tomomi Miyakawa

SPCG Team- Genevieve Clarke, Victoria Brawn.