St Paul's Community

We loved the community around the school and the engagement of parents in the mission of the school. All three of our boys have been well prepared for what came next and are thriving academically and socially.

Philip,former parent

We are proud of our strong, close-knit and welcoming school community. 

Throughout the year, we hold a number of festivals, many of which include parents so that they can participate in the life of the school and celebrate with us. We also host events that bring together our staff, families and the wider community, including our Winter and Summer Fairs, school plays, talks and presentations as well as coffee mornings and jumble sales.

The St Paul's Community Group (SPCG) works to bring the community together by joining staff, families, and the wider community to help enhance the education and well-being of the children in a healthy learning environment.  The group strives to facilitate a constructive communication, to raise funds, encourage volunteer support and promote social and educational events at the school.

The Diversity and Equality Forum creates a space for parents and staff to engage in dialogue around equality, inclusion and diversity. Together we form a think tank, listening to feedback from our community and researching ways to further develop our practice and continue to enhance the curriculum.  Our aim is to ensure that our school is an attractive and welcoming place for all in our community. Recent school initiatives have included INSET sessions exploring storytelling and gender identity, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion essentials by Equality and Diversity UK, staff led INSET on LGBTQIA+ history, sharing Stonewall resources and looking at how to be an ally to the queer community. We have also reviewed our library and brought in new resources as part of Pride in Education month and Black History Month. The diversity group is also exploring ways to widen our pupil and staff recruitment and connect with the local community around us.