
I really valued the school's excellent focus on emotional and social well-being, on creativity and independence.

Kevin, former parent

St Paul’s has four Kindergartens – Rosebush, Mulberry Bush, Chestnut Tree and Apple Tree - with the children in mixed age groups of three to six year olds. Children stay in the same Kindergarten with the same teacher for all three years, creating a strong foundation of familiarity and security.

Each Kindergarten provides a homely environment, with many hours each day dedicated to self-initiated, free play. Rudolf Steiner referred to play as “the work of childhood”. Simple, open-ended toys such as wooden blocks and objects from nature stimulate the use of the imagination, as the children find their own ways of using them. Free, creative play also helps foster communication skills and cooperation.

Imagination is further nourished through seasonal stories, fairy tales, puppet shows, songs and rhymes. These are also important for developing language, literacy and attention skills, while counting games and rhythmic activities build the foundations of numeracy.

The children also participate in a range of artistic and domestic activities such as painting, sewing, woodwork, chopping vegetables, baking bread, cleaning and gardening. Painting and crafts help the children develop fine motor skills, coordination and the ability to concentrate, while the simple domestic chores are opportunities for practical skills, and help the children feel valued as they contribute to the daily life of the Kindergarten.

The children play outdoors each day in all weathers, and once a week Kindergarten groups go for a nature walk. Each week every (5-6 year-old) Sun child has a Gardening session. Kindergarten life follows strong daily, weekly, and seasonal rhythms, connected through the celebration of the festivals throughout the year.

Kindergarten starts at 8:15am and finishes at 1:15pm every week day.

After Kindergarten we offer an optional Lunch Club, which includes a rest, cooked lunch and play until 3:30pm. (Lunch Club needs to be booked and paid for separately a term in advance. Children may attend between 1 and 5 sessions per week.)

Children who are three and four years old are eligible for the Nursery Education Grant: the school will help parents claim this grant.

If you wish to join the waiting list for the Kindergarten please attend one of our Open Tours.