Head Teacher's Welcome & News
Dear Community,
We had a productive and enjoyable All School Meeting on 2 February bringing together parents, teachers and staff. We also had some alumni coming back for the evening. If any alumni want to be in contact, please let us know.
We shared that the fuller classes set the school on a path of strengthening the education; we want more children to receive this holistic education, which is designed for children at their developmental stage and celebrates creativity and experiential learning alongside intellectual pursuits. With more pupils, the conditions for staff are improving and we can look after the building and make sure it serves the education through further development.
We talked about community, how it has evolved throughout the history of the school and the importance of connecting different communities. We need to be aware of not only the immediate school community, but the wider community beyond the walls. The school’s future in this building is dependent on bringing other communities inside the building for wider use. Only then can we access funding but also stay meaningful.
We are keen for the Erect/St Paul’s Landscape plan to be phased in, this summer to protect the Kindergarten garden with a green, acoustic boundary wall extension and next for further development of outdoor classroom, climbing frames and water features. We also want to start looking at a new Woodwork and Science wing amongst other areas of opportunity.
Ms Freeman and Mr Reeves held a section of the evening dedicated to identifying the values we see in our school. We have looked at the result and here it is!
1. Acceptance
2. Compassion
3. Responsibility
4. Community
These are worthy values and they are currently being mirrored by classroom values that the children are expressing in each class.
Conversations were held about school community and there is a need to continue this work. Much of the recent College meetings has been about working together with parents and communication.
In one part of the school we had a Candle dipping workshop, by doing activities together we uphold the community.
It was such a positive feeling at the meeting that we are looking forward to next year’s All School Meeting.
The Eurythmy Festival was attended by school parents and it was all we wanted for such an event. To see the classes through the years, performing increasingly complex movements guided by Mrs Skinner who is extraordinary in her ability to capture the character of each class was a delight. The accompanying piano music by Dr Minou took it to another level. The pupils were both joyful, focused and proud. Please see the pictures from the event.
We had a wonderful sharing at the pupil concert and a huge that you to Tomomi for organising and Adriana for holding the event so lovingly.
We are looking forward to seeing the Class VIII project presentations next week. This is an evolution from today’s shelter projects. The Class III pupils’ shelters are each unique and they presented what they have created to the other Classes today.
The students in Class VIII will have seen the previous year’s presentation and perhaps every year imagined what they will do. Now the time has come to present what they have individually worked on for the better part of the year. We are all coming to support this milestone on the last stretch of the journey through St Paul’s.
Ramadan Mubarak to all who are marking Ramadan from next week in our community.
Warm wishes,
Head teacher
St Paul's Steiner School
Dear All
We are extremely lucky to be able to use the Green for our gardening lessons, break times, and morning exercise and are indebted to the local community who share their space with us. The Green is a crucial part of our access to open space to do games, lessons and exercise, and we value the relationship we have with local residents who support us. It would be detrimental to the well-being and education of the children if we lost this special opportunity, so we would like to remind everyone that the Green is not to be used after School at pick up. This is especially relevant to Kindergarten families as it makes it very hard for the staff on duty at lunch break and teachers in lessons in the afternoon who are trying to teach and keep students safe, when there are lots of other children and adults in the mix.
The Green is for the whole local community so must accommodate all, not just St Paul's.
Thank you for your understanding and we appreciate your cooperation.
We celebrated Lunar New Year last week and this was our welcome entrance.
Our Eurythmy Festival in February was a spectacular showcase of the art.
Eurythmy is a unique form of movement and expression that combines elements of movement, music, and poetry. It is often described as "visible music" or "visible speech".
The children performed Eurythmy exercises in groups, showing how they practice in their lessons where they learn to move together in harmony. This fosters a sense of unity and empathy amongst the children, as they learn to be aware of each other's movements and intentions. Eurythmy has a strong emphasis on social interaction and cooperation.
One of the main goals of Eurythmy is to help children become more aware of their bodies and their surroundings. By practicing various movements and gestures, they learn to be more present in the moment and to connect with their own inner rhythm. This can be particularly beneficial for children who may struggle with attention or sensory integration issues.
Furthermore, Eurythmy has been found to have a positive impact on cognitive development. The rhythmic and coordinated movements help to strengthen neural connections in the brain, which can enhance learning and memory.
In Eurythmy, movements are carefully choreographed to correspond with specific sounds, tones, or words. It is a way of bringing harmony and balance to the body, mind, and soul. Through Eurythmy, children learn to express themselves through movement, while also developing their listening skills, concentration, and coordination.
Lastly, Eurythmy can be a source of joy and creativity for children. It allows them to express themselves in a non-verbal way, exploring different emotions and moods through movement. It helps them develop body awareness, concentration, social skills, and cognitive abilities, all while fostering creativity and self-expression. We hope that your children will enjoyed their Eurythmy presentation and will are happy we shared their work with you, finding it to be a valuable and rewarding experience for all.
Diana Skinner,
Eurythmy teacher
Classes have been busy in Handwork with Class III crocheting bottle holders and Class VIII using our new sewing machines to sew fabric boxes to keep their desks tidy.
We celebrated World Book Day in School yesterday and there were some fabulous characters!
After having studied the Italian Renaissance, Class 7 took the 38 Bus to the National Gallery to meet the colourful artist Pato Bosich. Some may know him as Mariela and Pablo’s son. He has been drawing at the National Gallery for many years and knows it very well and has a lot of passion for Renaissance Art.
First, he took us on an Art History tour of Medieval Art, then showed us the paintings that began to transition into the Renaissance. We looked at the beautiful ‘The Baptism of Christ’ by Piero della Francesca as perspective and light and shade was clearly developing. We looked at Titian and Leonardo da Vinci and finally we also looked at North European Renaissance.
It was wonderful to all stand in front of a painting like ‘Bacchus and Ariadne’ by Titian and gradually observe more and more with Pato guiding us. One of the North European paintings we looked at was the ‘Arnolfini Portrait’ by Jan van Eyck. Afterwards the students sketched images that particularly caught their eye. We then had a picnic lunch and made our way back to school, waving Goodbye to Pato as we jumped on the bus.
Here are some paintings and work from their new China block.
We were extremely lucky to go to the Barbican to listen to Holst’s The Planets played by the London Symphony Orchestra. As it was a school’s performance, there was a wonderful teacher there from the LSO to guide us around the orchestra. All the different instruments were able to repeat their various lines within the piece. With a lot of fun, she drew our attention to the different strands and rhythms weaving through each planet and it was pure joy to listen close up to a live orchestra.
Holst’s music was so exciting from Mars the Bringer of War to the harmony of Venus to the magic of Mercury. What an uplifting experience!
Ms Akuwudike
Class III Shelter Projects
Class III made some wonderful shelter projects. They ranged from barges, caravans, moon landings, tree houses and igloos made of cake! Today they presented them to the whole School.
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
Class VI spent three weeks preparing for their class play - The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Class plays are important in building the social strength of the group, and giving the pupils a sense of interdependence in the whole class. Movement and concentration skills are also developed along with articulation and diction. Other social skills such as listening to each other’s thoughts and ideas are an important part of the process. Class VI were very enthusiastic about the play and worked incredibly hard to hold their individual lines and develop their characters. Other additions to the play included music and singing.
Well done Class VI – you are amazing!
Class VII student Aidan Wolpert recently represented St Paul's Steiner School by running in the London Schools Athletics Association. He runs with Victoria Park Harriers and Tower Hamlets Athletics Club, coached by Cornelia Abe-Minale.
Aidan says he was inspired to start running after his Class V Olympics a couple of years ago. He runs three or more times a week and never lets the weather stop him-congratulations Aidan!
Our Class V are very much looking forward to their Olympics this June where they will join other Waldorf schools around the country to take part in the Greek Olympic Games at Michael Hall.
Hi! I'm Mr Brogden, the new Maths and Science teacher.
I was a pupil at St Paul's a very long time ago and fell in love with maths. I believe the Steiner approach to learning via discovery is a great way to approach the sciences, and my aim is to share my fascination with the classes I teach. It has been a very warm welcome to the school from all years and teachers, so I'm excited to begin my journey here.
School Website

ccomodation wanted
Waldorf Today

Lots of useful information for families is available from Bright Start Islington.
Bright Start Islington is with you every step of the way, from pregnancy to a child’s fifth birthday. You can find services in children’s centres, nurseries, health centres, community centres and libraries across Islington.
Bright Start services are delivered in the North, Central and South areas. You can attend sessions in any area but for some services you will need to know which area you live in. You can use the local area finder to find out your area.
Violin lessons
Ex student of St Paul’s, Isabelle Allan, is offering violin lessons at her home in Clapton. She is currently studying at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.
Please contact her on 07380534651 for more details.
Nanny available
The Wildflower Nanny, aka Esme, holistic nanny and maternity nurse.
With over 20 years of expertise, Esme, informed by Steiner principles, specialises in nurturing calm, caring, and supported childhoods for babies and toddlers. Her unique approach includes dedicated time outdoors, integrating the enriching influence of nature into their developmental experiences.
Full DBS, First Aid, AMI Montessori 0-3, BA Education, OCN Maternity Nursing, Steiner informed.
Available during the week, for babysitting and during school holidays.
Email: Esme.duggleby@gmail.com
Phone: 07714501943
Instagram: the.wildflower.nanny
We are looking for an experienced childminder in Hackney/Islington with an understanding of Waldorf education. Would be looking for help in the Autumn, please get in touch with Lily if you know of anyone!
Email lily.valentine.thomas@gmail.com or text 07852253366
Looking for 1 or 2 bed flats in North/East London to rent for 27 year olds, working in arts/exhibitions and fashion.
Reliable, respectful and clean!! Contact Clem if you know of anything!
07557376633 c.v.z.thomas@gmail.com
The path to today was long, sometimes winding over soft meadows, passing shallow streams and cool woods, other times it led us over rocky terrain, where we pushed on against head winds and were pelted by sleet. Our life journey started with an impulse, one that drives every step forward and shapes the path.
At Lifeways this year our theme will encourage us to take a breath, to review and look forward to the road ahead. Perhaps we only see the future darkly and wonder where it might lead - maybe through brambles, across rivers or up steep hills? Together we will consider what shaped our past, help one another to hear the whispers that guide the future and take them onboard to forge ahead, carefully listening for directions as they come.
We will explore the theme “Shaped by the past, Forging the future’” through lectures, conversations, craft and musical activities.
Adults and children all contribute to creating and renewing the rich tapestry of knowledge and friendship that makes the 'Lifeways week' a really special one for us all.
Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX, England
Email: naamah.pinkerfeld@emerson.org.uk
Website: www.emerson.org.uk/lifeways
Telephone: +44 (0)1342 822238
Happy Mother's Day for this Sunday.
Here are some cards made by Class I.