Head Teacher's Welcome & News
Dear School community,
Another term has passed, and we're sharing some of the recent highlights in this issue. Our Middle School pupils shared their work at the Middle school evening and yesterday they enjoyed a disco in the Hall, organised by the school council. Classes III-V have their own choir, and they shared their carol singing with IV and V parents.
The Advent Spiral was as deeply moving as ever. This time a group of teachers sang and played beautifully for us and in the Kindergarten Spiral a former pupil, Bice Sharp came to play.
The Oberufer Shepherds' play is performed in Steiner-Waldorf schools all over the world. I remember seeing my father playing a young shepherd as a child in my school and being very proud when the pupils laughed. This version is a translation of the play performed on the island of Oberufer for centuries, and it was seen by Dr Steiner to be something pure from a distant past. The question of how to convey the German dialect in English was solved by making it sound Shakespearian. It is a joy to work creatively with colleagues under the director Jane Akuwudike. The play can be experienced in many ways and the mix of high and low makes it meaningful and humorous at the same time. It highlights the hardship facing the new family and the resilience they showed.
The community came together to bring the Advent Fair to life yet again and it was particularly beautiful this year. We will know in the New Year how much the Fair made, as the expenses are still being counted. It was a delight to see so many current, new, and old faces in the school and all the children having a great time. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed, in large or small ways.
Just this last week of the year we received news about the Landscape plan which has gone through the Islington planners. We are delighted to be able to begin the first phase of the Landscape plan this year with tree planting and work on the boundary wall. Future funding will determine how far and fast we will be able to go with our plans.
We are both in the Advent and Hannukah season and I wish you all a peaceful holiday. I am looking forward to seeing you all in the New Year.
Anna Retsler
Head teacher
St Paul's Steiner School
Thank you to our wonderful community for such successful Advent and Winter Fair at the weekend.
Kindergarten have been busy baking for Advent, candle dipping, painting and lots of playing! Parents are invited in today for a lovely feast and puppet show.
What a gift from the teachers and staff this year's Shepherds Play was. The Angel magically appeared from up high to gasps from the thrilled children below. The Shepherds were wonderfully amusing, but the real star of the show were the donkey and sheep! Thank you to the parent choir and Jane Akuwudike for directing.
What a wonderful weekend at the Fair. Such amazing crafts, Raffle, puppet shows, singing, food and Enchanted Room. Thank you to all that took part, organised, and helped!
Class VI: Colours in Eurythmy
Following their Eurythmy performance of a poem in Latin during the Middle School Evening, class VI has embarked on preparing a presentation on Colours in Eurythmy writing individually, or in groups, their own poem on a chosen colour. The children are now busy creating choreographies for these poems.
The content of Eurythmy and Main Lesson classes embrace and complement each other, thus being an example of how beautifully Main Lesson blocks, in this instance History and Physics, can be made visible artistically in Eurythmy.
We hope that you will enjoy their literal approach to colours!
Mrs Skinner and Ms Minou

Can I know life’s reality
So that it’s found again
Within my soul’s creative urge?
I feel that I am granted power
To make myself, as humble part
At home within the cosmic self
Rudolf Steiner
Join our Safer Spaces Walk and Talk
Walk with us around your area and discuss how we can create safer spaces for everyone in Islington. Together, we can explore ways to prevent crime, combat discrimination and ensure that everyone feels safe and valued.
This is your opportunity to talk to leaders in the council and local police about how we can improve safety in our borough. We will be meeting outside St Mary’s Church, Upper Street, N1 2TX, at 2.30pm, on 26 Friday January 2024.
Recycle your Christmas tree
You might not be thinking about Christmas quite yet but when the time comes, we want you to know how to dispose of your Christmas tree. If it has roots, you might be able to grow it in its pot for a few years or plant it outdoors if you have a garden. But if you choose to dispose of it, we will collect real Christmas trees from collection points or directly from council estates and properties.
You can take your real Christmas tree to the recycling drop off at Rosemary gardens. You can also put this with your estate or street property recycling bins on your normal recycling collection day between Tuesday 2 January and Sunday 14 January 2024.
Artificial trees can be stored away for next year or taken to the Islington Reuse and Recycling Centre. For more details of how to recycle your Christmas tree, and where the drop-off points are no matter where you live in Islington, visit our website.
Recycle on the go
We’ve just installed brand new recycling bins along New River Walk to help you recycle even when you’re out and about!
The new bins have more capacity and prevent overflows of rubbish, improving the overall appearance of the park. Public recycling bins prevent valuable, recyclable materials ending up in landfill sites and releasing harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
You can visit our website to find out more about recycling in Islington.
Level up your skills
Whether you need new skills to get back to work, want to brush up on your basic skills or need help to find a job, we have courses ready and waiting to help you.
Why not start a new course in 2024 and level up your skills? To find out more information visit our Adult Community Learning website.
Lots to do at South Library
Libraries are a great resource for everyone – and they are completely free! There is no charge for membership, or for use of a library computer. You can also use the free Wi-Fi on your own device.
South Library offers a range of activities, including a fortnightly knitting group and monthly reading group for adults. There are also lots of activities for children, including a weekly drawing club and monthly Lego club, as well as children’s story sessions every Saturday.
They also have a festive crafting session on Wednesday 3 January, where children are shown how to make their own New Year calendar. The session is open to all ages and runs from 2-3pm. Head down to South Library, 115-117 Essex Road, N1 2SL, or visit our website for more details about the library.
School Website

ccomodation wanted
Waldorf Today

"Hello! My name is Lucy and I'm the new Class One assistant. I've just moved here from Hawaii and am looking for a flat or house share, ideally close to our school in Islington. I am very neat and quiet, and will be spending my days teaching at the school and studying in the evenings. Also very happy to help with additional care of children, dogs, or garden."
Every year the Daunt Books Short Story competition celebrates the wonderful creativity of children’s writing so why not get writing (or typing) and help make this another fantastic year. You might even have your story published, along with the other winners, in a book!
The winners’ anthology will have a cover designed by illustrator David Roberts and will be introduced by Sabine Adeyinka, author of Jummy at the River School series
The Rules:
- The competition is open to children between the ages of 4 and 15
- All entries must be submitted by an adult capable of giving permission on behalf of the child – parent/guardian or the child’s teacher who has obtained the parent or guardian’s permission.
- The story must be entirely the work of the child
- Entries can be up to 1500 words
- Entries must be submitted before 31st January 2024
Voices from the Ground
Sunday 17 December 4pm
with Iaia Chiesa
An attempt to convey how wars are experienced by ordinary people on the ground.
Poems written in response to the current wars.
Read by the poet and others.
No booking necessary.
£5 suggested donation at the door.
The Therapeutic Value of Raphael’s Madonnas
Saturday 30 December 10am - 5pm
The healing potential inherent in Raphael’s Madonnas was first acknowledged by Rudolf Steiner in 1911. At that time, he entrusted a specific sequence of 15 images to Dr. Felix Peipers, to be used as a therapeutic aid at the Johannesbau Institute in Munich. Since then, the sequence of images has evolved significantly, thanks to the efforts of researchers with a keen interest in art, medicine and psychology. One of the instrumental figures in this work was the Dutch artist Eva Mees Christeller. While in Italy in 1988, she personally invited Dr. Remigio Cenzato to further study the series of Raphaelite images. As a result, the sequence has grown from the initial 15 paintings to the present collection of 37 images, all exclusively by Raphael, portraying the Madonna and Child.
The seminar unveils the mysteries contained in the movements traced by the varying positions of the Child in the Madonna’s arms. Together, we’ll explore the imaginative geometric connections within the paintings, their correlations with celestial movements (Sun, Earth and Moon) and their implications on human physiology, particularly on the heart.
Special attention will be paid to the eurythmic gesture of the letter ‘L’ in the healing sequence of ‘Halleluiah’ in Eurythmy. Raphael’s masterpiece, ‘The Transfiguration’, will serve as leitmotif throughout the day as we delve into the deepest realms of human fulfillment and spiritual development. The seminar will be delivered in Italian and translated into English.
Speaker: Remigio Cenzato MD - Anthroposophical Physician, Psychotherapist, Anthropologist, Clinical Pedagogist.
For information and bookings contact Nabila Yakub: 07423 328240 or luminouspotential@gmail.com
Ticket: £50 Full price / £25 Concessions
Booking to be confirmed by 28 December.
Have a wonderful Winter Holiday
See you back in School
on Monday 8th January