Dear Parents,
It has been an intense time in school with the season of sharing some of the work we do through the many plays and performances. Most classes happen to have a Maths block right now, and it was a delight to go through the school this morning to see the progression. Maths is our curriculum focus this year together with all Steiner-Waldorf schools in the UK.
Your children will come home with stories from the Class VIII project presentations which have inspired us all. We will do a special edition newsletter for their work to be widely shared. One Class VII pupil said that he loves how Class VIII is the pinnacle of the education with the projects and the play.
As it is getting warmer the usual plea is sent to all parents to leave the Green to the Local community and the school children. We use it heavily for daily movement sessions, Games and Gardening, and it is a precious relationship we have. It also doesn't have any toilets, and it is not appropriate to use it as a remote nature spot.
Everyone who has been in the school for a long time knows that the May Festival in Queen's wood is the breathing out after the long winter. Whatever has happened is a thing of the past, and we come together as a whole community. We are so very grateful for what the Queen's wood site has given us over the years. We have now been told that it is part of the 2% of ancient woodland remaining in the UK and the woods and its wildlife need to be protected, which we fully understand.
This year the May festival will happen on Hampstead Heath instead, and all families are welcome to join this whole school picnic on the morning of Friday 28th April, details to follow. This festival will be reshaped to include other dance and music elements as the Maypole is a structure we can't get permission for this year. The children will have the opportunity to dance around the Maypole in school.
The next Forum is planned for the 10th of May. We are looking forward to seeing you there to tell you about Classes IV to VIII as we move towards the important subjects of puberty and sex education.
The school is working on a more prescribed and detailed RSE policy. This work coincides with work we are doing alongside the fellowship around the same topic. I will take the opportunity to reiterate our inclusive ethos and how much we want to retain teacher autonomy. We will send it out for consultation when it is ready.
We are at the moment when we need to give gratitude to our old trees, as over the next months some will unfortunately be removed to ensure the safety of the children and the site.
Lastly, we are eagerly awaiting the Landscape application response from Islington. Thank you for your supportive messages.
Warm wishes,
Ms. Anna Retsler
Head teacher
St Paul's Steiner School