Dear All,
It is the tradition in Steiner Waldorf schools for the teachers to perform the Shepherd’s play as a gift to the children and this year the troupe of actors collected each class from their classroom to take them on a journey to Bethlehem. It was a feat to repeat the play for every class bubble, but it was all worth it as the children’s responses were filled with joy and wonder at seeing their teachers in character.
We couldn’t have parents inside the school this end of year either, but we have continued the theme of spreading light as the year grows darker from Diwali onwards: the children experienced a beautiful spiral and Hannukah stories in French lessons throughout the school. I hear Santa Lucia wandered the building on the last day.
Thank you, all parents who supported the tree sale, especially Maisie and Ruanna for having the small, pop up, pickup Christmas tree market. This was following on from the creation of the Enchanted room, a Winter Wonderland experience for all the children up to Class V, gifted by the parents. It was very much appreciated.
Events and festivals form familiar points, marking the changing of the year, but it is the everyday work which makes up the school. As a headteacher, I had the privilege of walking around the school to see how the children were learning in main lessons. This term the theme of my learning walk was ‘attitude to learning’. The children are amazing; the typical St Paul’s students are joyful and engaged, they can listen with focus and ask appropriate questions, challenge the teachers, and contribute to furthering the lesson. They work well together creating a supportive environment, and take pride in their work as they immerse themselves in the main lesson topic. Their attitude to learning is outstanding and to see it across the school, from the youngest Class One children who have entered the school with confidence, curiosity and will to work, to the oldest Class Eight students who after a term of many COVID cases are wonderfully engaged and together, is a testament to all; teachers, children, supportive staff and parents. I am looking forward to visiting the subject lessons next term.
We said goodbye and thanked Derek who is hopefully on his way to South Africa with his family and is beginning to rest from years at St Paul’s. We wish him and his family all the best and a huge thank you for all his hard work.
Thank you to all, and warm wishes for a continued restful holiday and I look forward to seeing you all next year!
Anna Retsler
Headteacher St Paul’s Steiner School